Your performance sounds great! Your audience can feel you, you've figured your gear out and people are coming up and asking you where they can find you online. But, you stumble and hesitate because... well, your online image is weak. In 2009 your iPhone's picture was top notch, but now it just looks like your lens is a potato.
Have no fear! For companies like Zeppelin Studios are near! #Zeppstudios
You need high quality photography to stand among the professionals in the modern industry. It is true that occasionally an artist utilizes the grainy, pixelated look of photos of yore to their advantage, but let's assume this isn't you.
Allowing a professional photographer to see you through their lens is imperative for your career appearance to be honest. True. Your mother might take great photos of you, and you may know your own best angles but the audience and your potential fan base wants to get to know YOU. Not how many celebrity photos you've studied. The pro photographer, in fact, is the one that helps dial in the tone of the shoot. Not how you tilt your head. Outsourcing and reaching to people who specialize in certain tools (ie. photo) are simply going to yield the best result. It looks good when you play well with others, and it helps everyone involved.
In the Charleston, SC area there are several photographers working hard to create the image of independent performer. The above mentioned Zeppelin Studios focuses on live performance photo and video and keeps all editing in house. Owner/Photographer Josh Vanover has a sincere eye for capturing live music. You can tell immediately that Live shows are one of his favorite elements. You will find his links and examples of his work below and around the site. I recommend him as a one-stop-shop for your online image. He can even help you with your social platform appearance!
Stay tuned for posts in the future featuring additional photographers who's work will be found around this site!