New to the Lowcountry, Katie Veltri! This woman comes wielding a powerful singing voice and insightful, sorrowful lyrics sure to get your attention. With a large online following and a fun-loving attitude, Katie Veltri is sure to make her mark on the Lowcountry.
Wings Weekly Caught up with Katie to ask her a few questions:
1. Why Music? KV: I like the way it sounds, just kidding. I really went through this whole journey where I was a writer for a long time, and I came to the point where I felt my writing could be best expressed through my singing and simple melodies. I felt like it is really the most honest way for me to be the most authentic writer I could be. My brother played a lot growing up, and my godmother was an off broadway opera singer. I think it was just always around me in this way. Very personal but also very light and airy in feeling.
2.What is Profit? KV: Oh man. This is a loaded gun. But I really think profit comes from seeing a response. The response may not be what you want, but it’s there and it reflects your work. To me that’s profiting to see reaction from people, both good and bad. It says you make an impact.
3. Which do you prefer; Birds or Lizards? KV: Birds. They can just leave anytime they want. There’s something to be said about not staying anywhere too long and going where the wind takes you. If your personal relationships are strong, they will survive that. But I do like lizards. They’re cold and distinct and their apathy intrigues me.
4. Live or Prerecorded music and why? KV: I like both. They both have advantages to me. Live is raw and often very memorable. But prerecorded is polished and often is very collaborative which can be a great feeling and added dimension to someone’s work and for the listening of others.
5. Do you prefer breakfast, lunch or dinners? KV: Breakfast all the way lol. Although I don’t really wake up in time.
6. What stops you in your tracks (musically?) KV: I like really well-composed music. Like when the melody and the voice sounds like butter sliding on warm toast. Like smooth textures that have resonance. And this is often found in genres that are mixed or lay on the jazzy, classical side or even trance all the way to folk or soft rock.
7. If every ear would hear your song; about what would you sing? KV: Hmm, I think it would have to be the alphabet lol jk. I think it would be something simple, like my song Time I Got This, which there are 2 versions of. It’s about wanting to save someone despite not feeling ok yourself. And realizing that both the hope of that and the static reality happening can transform your perspective on that particular relationship. For me, that was about a family member.
**Anyway, thank you Joshua for having me. I think your blue devil van is the bomb. **
Wings weekly would like to thank Katie Veltri for answering our questionnaire and suggest her work to all who are interested in enjoying new music. Oh, and Katie, The Blue Devil Van IS the bomb!! Thank you!
Enjoy links to Katie's Work below