It is so easy to get wrapped up in our accomplishments. Whether it is the development of pride within us after we have conquered that great challenge, or the feeling that we have got it all. Odds are, if you are reading this digital blog, that you do have it all. At least the basic necessities and enough luxury to have internet. Our feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction can spread widely unto others in this world of inter connectedness. If we so choose, we can spread the feeling of thanks and gratitude to all who experience our words, images and media. We can feel grateful for our accomplishments and we don't have to be filled with pride to do it.
It is true that pride has its place. We should be happy with ourselves, our work and we should allow things to uplift us. However, pride and gratitude are not the same.
For instance; I am quite proud to have accumulated the musical equipment that I have. I have worked hard to earn the money that I spent on this gear, and I enjoy talking about what it can do, what it offers me and why I wanted it. I am proud to have things that are name brand and of quality. This pride I describe is not gratitude. This pride is self centered in it's nature and is a way of solidifying things to myself. It is my gear, I will defend it and care for it because it is mine and I am proud of it.
If I were to describe my gratitude for the same gear, I would say that I am grateful to have any gear at all. I am glad to have a means to share my music at a louder volume, online and just for my own enjoyment. I am grateful to the people who come and support my events, and those of the community around me. Those people helped pay for the gear with their support. To speak of gratitude would lead me to thinking of my parents and upbringing, for giving space for music gear and loud music. I would be grateful to my friend Jamie who gave me a guitar in front of an audience of people, and to my parents for ever getting me one to begin with.
Graciousness seems to lead my mind into thinking of others and how they helped me obtain the things I am proud of. When I am proud, it has everything to do with me. Even if I am proud of you... still about me. But to be GRATEFUL for you. To be GRATEFUL for what I have, and maybe most difficult and poignant, to be GRATEFUL for the way that things are... There is a real power there.
Today, and everyday, bring gratitude to the table. Be grateful for those around you and those who aren't. To those who got you here, now, and to the means that allowed it all to take place. Be grateful to the sustenance of life, and to the need for it. Be thankful TO that which created, FOR the creation.
In closing, if you must be prideful, take pride in what you have. But, remember to be grateful for the opportunity to have it.
Thanks for reading my opinion!
Have a wonderful day, and be grateful.
*This post was written post coffee/pre turkey*