Thank you for checking out Wings Weekly! My name is Joshua Jarman and I am the owner and operator of Wings Back Entertainment LLC, a small business dedicated to helping musicians grow and prosper. While that makes for a great business motto, It is something that is quite dear to my being. Let me tell you a little bit more about what all of this is about, why I am reaching out to musicians and how to help promote.
I am a performing musician too and I can vouch for the difficulties that are presented to the growing entertainer. Not only do you spend so much time writing and playing your well-oiled craft, but you have to practice what you wrote, go out and get the gigs, post about the gigs, invite your friends, play, pack. It doesn't stop there. People want to meet you and chat. They want to get to know what it is that you do. Sometimes you feel like you have to do much more than you are able. That is where I get inspired.
I began this company to give musicians a place to fly. Maybe not to be the sky, but to try to offer them a feather as they build their wings. A medium to answer questions they know the answers to, and some they didn't see coming. I wanted to help stimulate the music community through REAL musicianship. Through real musicians with real answers.
Here you will find the short interviews of independent musicians, their photos, a bit about them and where you can find them online.
I am not trained as writer and it is not my business to make anyone famous, but with a career of a couple decades under my belt and some great friends made along the way, I certainly aim to help those who want to fly take a leap.
I so appreciate your support.
Joshua W. Jarman